I wanted to give you a bit of encouragement today. So often we talk about the monetization part of blogging. How we can grow our site to the end of making more money.
There’s nothing wrong with that. Most of us are in this and running our sites as businesses. We are providing a living for our families, paying off houses, saving for college and doing so many other things with the money we make blogging. These are all important things and Becky, Holly and I LOVE teaching you how to monetize.
But today I wanted to talk about something more that we can do as bloggers.
You might remember a few weeks ago, we shared about The Mom Quilt project. Lots of bloggers joined together and compiled a book to benefit the Mercy House in Kenya. Our goal was to raise $40,000 to build a well there on site for the mercy house. This was one of three fundraising projects happening for the well project simultaneously and I’m thrilled to say that in about 6 weeks the well has been fully funded.
I know there are some reading this today that contributed to this project either by sharing the book or writing in it, but I want to use this to encourage every blogger… you can change the world.
Yes, we have built great businesses and we are earning income and all of that is lovely. But we’re also building platforms for ourselves. Platforms that mean we are reaching the world whether we intend to or not.
What will we do with this opportunity?
Some have larger blogs. There are those with followings in the millions and others with half a dozen loyal fans. But, you still have fans. What will you do with them?
You can use them to change the world.
You can use your voice to change a person’s whole world.
You can do amazing things.
For you, it might not be writing a book. Maybe it’s doing a series of posts about a cause that means a lot to you. Or perhaps you could form a group of bloggers to post monthly to raise awareness and donations for a certain organization.
Maybe this Christmas you could post about Operation Christmas Child or point your readers to other places that they can give back during the Holidays.
Whatever your passion might be, I want to encourage you that you can use your blog to change the world.
The larger my platform gets the great responsibility I feel that I have to do something meaningful with the audience that follows me. To inspire my readers to do great things and to provide a way for them accomplish greatness. Even with something as simple as purchasing a book, many readers were very excited at the chance to help build a well in Africa. Thankful to have been given the chance.
It was a beautiful thing to see. Lives changed all around the world (and even here at home), because of blogging.
How can you use your blog to change the world? Let’s talk about it in our Facebook Group. Click here to join.
I’d love to hear your ideas, and maybe you can find a team to work along side you on a project!
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