Today we have a really fun interview for all of you! Meet Pamela!!!
Hi. I am Pam from Pam’s Party and Practical Tips. I am an extremely busy mom of two teenagers, and an almost teenager. As they were growing up, I loved to plan themed birthday parties for them each year. Now that they are older, at least two of them don’t really want to have parties anymore. I started my blog as a creative outlet where I could still plan parties, and share my ideas with others. In addition party ideas, I also post about crafts, recipes, and money saving tips. Two of my kids also involved with the blog, my youngest daughter shares craft ideas for kids, and my son shares recipes for family friendly meals.
There are times when it is hard to balance blogging and family time, but I think it is a bit easier for me because my kids are older, They don’t need me to do as much for them as they used to, which allows me more free time to blog. It also helps having the kids involved in what I do, because we are spending family time together when we are making crafts and cooking meals. I have always taken a lot of pictures when they were growing up anyway, so when I am taking photos and posting to Instagram now, they think nothing of it. In fact, they will sometimes say, “mom, take a picture of this for your blog!” When I am needed though, family time always comes before blogging.
I do “attempt” to have a blogging schedule, but it is not super rigid. I have a weekly linky party every Friday night, and each week I post about that week’s party theme. I do know though, that I will it would be very difficult for me to have keep a daily schedule on the blog. I have a to do list each day, but there are times when I need to be mom before blogger, and things on the list do not get done. I also found out a few years ago when one of my kids was diagnosed with ADD, that I had it too. Once I found out, it made perfect sense. I think that it helps me to be more creative, but it definitely does not help me to stay organized. I know that I will never be a super organized Type A personality, so I just do the best I can, and stay on schedule as much as possible.
Personally, I have a hard time pinpointing my exact blogging niche. Yes, I am a party blogger, but I am also a craft blogger, and a family blogger. I have many interests, and want to try many different things. I don’t think more creative type of bloggers should feel like they need to stick to only one or two topics. People are always looking for projects and inspiration that might not have seen or thought of before. If you have a great idea or there is something you want to try, and think others might want to know about it, then by all means definitely share it. Blogging should be fun, so there is no reason to limit yourself to only one topic if it doesn’t make you happy.
I love Pam and her blog 🙂 So nice to get to know her even better!
Hi Pamela, reading up about you via Bob(B)