Hi, I'm Susie Parker. I'm a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant and founder of Sleep Baby Love. My blog can be found atwww.sleepbabylove.com and through Facebook @www.facebook.com/sleepbabylove. I help families find the light at the end of the tunnel when dealing with sleep challenges or help prevent them from forming in the first place. I blog about anything and everything sleep related from newborns to toddlers. So many parents out ...
Blogger Interview – Julie
Hey! I'm Julie, a wife and a mother to two young boys. I blog over at www.mymundaneandmiraculouslife.com . My life has often seemed mundane but I am learning to see the miraculous in it. I am thrilled to have an outlet to write about all sorts of things such as learning and play activities, natural living, sensory processing disorder, and matters of the heart. I long for the blog to be a space where every part of daily life can be a means to show ...
Blogger Interview Betsy
Hello! My name is Betsy and I am the blogger and health coach behind BMoore Healthy. I am married to Brian, my college sweetheart and mama to two little girls, Madilyn, 4, and Juliana, 2. I started my blog and health coaching business in 2009 after I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I help women, mostly mamas of young kiddos, learn how to cook healthy meals, deal with the stresses of life and learn how to make ...
Blogger Interview – Dara
Hey! I'm Dara Fubler. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 10 years, and we have an adorable 2-year-old son. I blog at www.living-story.weebly.com and my niche is Christian living, encouragement, and inspiration, mostly told through my experiences as a mom and musician. I love to encourage others, and challenge them to live out a genuine, vibrant faith! Do you have a blogging schedule? or just write as you feel inspired? Share ...
Blogger Interview – Laura
I'm Laura and I am mom to two little boys, and wife to the love of my life for 5 years. I blog at Short and Sweet Moments where I share how I'm learning to live life in God's grace. I share my daily life including my struggles through Post Partum Depression, surviving stressful seasons, and learning how to be a healthy mom, wife, and woman in a high pressure society. What are your top 3 blogging goals? and how are you striving to reach them? I ...
Blogger Interview – Whitney
Hello! My name is Whitney and I am the blogger behind Beauty in the Mess. I am mama to four littles ages 5 years, 4 years, 2 years, and a six month old. I've been married to my college sweetheart for 13 years. I'm one of those weirdo's who never meant to start a blog. It was suggested that I start one for a direct sell business and it took on a life of it's own. I'm not complaining. I love writing at Beauty in the Mess. My favorite topics to ...
Blogger Interview Misty
Hi! I’m Misty and I blog at Joy in the Journey. My blog is about finding the joy in the everyday moments of motherhood. Whether it be cleaning a toilet bowl, wrangling my three kids while homeschooling, working from home, or finding time to connect with my spouse, joy can be found in every moment. How do you balance blogging time & Family Time? I I set aside 3-4 hours each day to write (freelance or blog). I do this early in the morning ...
Blogger Interview – Davonne
Hi! I'm Davonne! My husband, Nathan, and I strive to center our home around Christ and we have two sweet daughters, Lily (9) and Grace (5). I believe that some of life’s richest moments happen when we embrace the beauty of imperfection as we extend grace to ourselves and others. I’ve written three non-fiction eBooks, one of which is brand new! Plus I write about organization, simplicity, and heart-filled motherhood at DavonneParks.com, I just ...
Blogger Interview – Cristina
My name is Cristina and I am a wife and mother to two boys aged (about to be) 7 and (about to be) 10. I grew up in Brooklyn and moved out to Pennsylvania with my husband four years ago so I could be a stay at home mom. Back at work now that the boys are in school, I have an inspirational blog around marriage, parenting and faith as I am in an unequally yoked marriage (having converted to the Catholic faith in 2012) I also blog about writing, ...
Blogger Interview Kimm
My name is Kimm and I blog at Reinvented, about home décor for real people, with real budgets. I describe myself on social media as a home décor/DIY blogger, restless interior designer and lover of all thing junky. I am a Wife, Mom of 4 and Jesus Follower. How do you find balance between family and blogging? I decided to answer this question because I think it’s so difficult an idea. To balance family, faith and blogging, I try to filter each ...