We’re back at our interviews again this week! Interviewing Jay from Jay Tried and True!
My name is Jay, a nickname given to me a million years ago and just stuck! I live with my hubby and my 17 year old daughter…oh, and Lennon the cat! I work full time as well as blog about my family meals. This whole “thing” started as an online repository for my daughter to have access to all her fave recipes when she is grown and gone. Friends constantly ask for copies of recipes, so this became a tool for them as well.
I am fortunate that my blog revolves around family time. Hubby, the girl and I talk about each dish and what we liked/disliked about it. It thrills me to no end to have my girl come up with recipes and spend time in the kitchen making food with me. As a perpetual early riser, (6 am is sleeping in for me!) I have hours on the weekend before they wake up. I am able to get some blogging done without “taking time” away from them.
Talk about what you know and enjoy, and type like you are talking to your BFF! People will only stay interested if they can tell you are interested. Feeding people is my addiction…that feeling of comfort that a good meal can bring, it makes my heart sing, I can talk about it forever.
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