I’ve become a huge fan of tailwind in the last couple of months. I’ve found it to be the most intuitive of the pinterest schedulers that I’ve tried, and has the most features that make sense for my Pinterest strategy.
It allows you to schedule the same pin to multiple boards at once, but space out when they go “live” on pinterest. It also allows you to connect with other bloggers and work together with them in tribes! There’s much to love on tailwind, and I’m only scratching the tip of the iceburg here in this post. I’ve used my own referral and affiliate links in this post.
Get a free month of tailwind here
Here is a quick video I did about how tailwind works, and my favorite features (including tribes!)
If you have more questions or need more clarification about tailwind/tribes leave a comment and I’ll do my best to help you!
Now on to tailwind tribes to join. Used to, these were invite-only and you had to be added individually by the tribe admin. Thankfully, you can be invited via link now, so in order to join, you simply have to click the links to be taken to your invitation to join!
BP Bloggers tailwind tribe – All topics from followers of our site! I love pinning your content! Rules, if you share to the group re-pin at least as many as you add to the group.
Valentines and heart crafts/activities
Natural birth, breastfeeding and the fourth trimester
Organize, declutter and moving
Preschool Crafts, Activities, Printables
Expat Bloggers Networking Group
My best new pin (kids and parenting)
Positive parenting & play based learning
If you have your own tailwind tribe you’d like it to be added to the list, fill out this form!
I clicked to join mom blogger’s swap. It said I was invited and then there was a button to “join tribe”. I clicked it, but it still isn’t showing up as one of my tribes. Is there something else I need to do?
Perhaps try again?? Happened to me on a few and than worked the second time.
Thanks for this list! I joined a few ☺
Thank you for including Home Design and DIY! I hope we get a bunch more participants who love everything home design and interior decorating. We share DIY furniture and room makeovers, as well as tips for interior decorating.
This project is designed to touch all aspects of the fundamental concepts of database design and logical data modeling covered during the class. Each student will be responsible for designing, developing, and demonstrating the functionality of a database created based on a set of business specifications that you create. At the end of the session, each student will submit a report that includes the logical and physical design of the database and demonstrates the database’s ability to deliver meaningful reports. CIS 336 COURSE PROJECT LATEST