Years ago, I used to be more of a faith blogger. I’ve since moved away from faith blogging in the traditional sense. It was a hard decision to make, but when I decided to make a business out of my blog, I also chose to broaden the types of posts I wrote. I realized a few things that helped me make the decision.
I love faith bloggers, they are wonderful and encouraging to read, I just realized it was not the right choice for me and my blog. If you are trying to decide what type of blogger you want to be, I thought this might help. These are the reasons I don’t consider myself a “faith” blogger, even though I am a Christian and occasionally mention my faith on my blog.
1. When I was writing exclusively “christian” content, I was not writing enough. I can only crank out a heart felt faith related post once a week max and more like once a month. I realized that I could continue doing writing these types of posts, but also add to them more main-stream content that would bring in readers and income.
2. I realized that if I write more things that are general, that means there are more readers around to see it when I do write about my faith, instead of me writing christian content for an exclusively christian audience. This has actually lead to some really neat conversations lately with people of various faiths, because I am no longer a “faith blogger”. They have been following me for ages so when I do post about my beliefs they listen, and sometimes email me with comments about their thoughts on it and we are able to discuss respectfully. Some really amazing conversations about faith have happened since I stopped being a faith blogger.
3. I decided to view my blog as my job. No one faults you for not evangelizing every person in the check out line when you work at a grocery store, yet for some reason it’s an issue if every blog post isn’t about God if you are a christian and also a blogger. It’s a double standard in our “sub-culture” of christianity. If your blog is your job or hobby that doesn’t mean it has to be your mission field, even if you are a Christian. It’s not wrong to make it one, but it is also not sinful to have a blog that doesn’t focus on Faith either, anymore than it would be wrong to get your hair cut and not preach to every one in the salon.
4. I want to use my blog as ministry in another way. Instead of ministry through writing, my goal is to pay off our house in the next two years and then use our extra income each month to support missionaries, orphanages and people in need. I want to help ministries in other countries create businesses and become self sufficient in their own countries.
Faith bloggers are awesome, there is not always as much room for monetization there except through ads and writing books. You just have to decide what kind of blog you want to have and what your ultimate goals with blogging (and life) are.
For me personally, I was a missionary overseas for several years as a teen and finally came to the realization that I could be far more effective in my own country, loving my own people and making a TON of money to support local missionaries work to their own people, so that’s what I am striving to do through my blog.
Are you a faith blogger? Or is your blog unrelated to your faith? I’d love to hear YOUR story!
thank you so much for this post! I had, from the beginning, set out to be an unapologetically Christian writer who isn’t explicitly writing for Christian women; I wanted a wider audience and opportunity for larger discussion. Because I also want my blog to be a business, this post rings true with me and helps articulate and clarify for me some other thoughts on the issue. I, too, have had some interesting opening doors, and am thankful for the opportunity!
Thanks so much Paula for this post. I am at present a faith blogger and am trying to determine how to make an income from what I do at present. I do not have kids, specialize in DIY nor am I a fashion and beauty expert. My heart is to inform and inspire others to be who God has call them to be right where they are. Do you have any tips on how I can move forward in making my blog profitable? My blog is 3 months old with about 30 posts at present. I get an average about 50 people per day when I post. Any words of advice will help.
Nice post. I struggled with this topic because I wanted to help so many people. I am a believer and God has called me to write. (So I will be launching that website soon.) I believe that everything we do should ultimately bring glory to Him. For me, serving is more important than focusing on income. As a blogger creating good content is priority. At the end of the day, products and services are major ways for bloggers make serious income. The goals you have for your blog is amazing! Stay encouraged Sis