There are so many ways to get your readers back to your site- Facebook, pinterest... but how do you get them back to you when those things aren't working? I feel so frustrated with Facebook sometimes. I'll have a week where everything is 30-50% reach and then I'll have a week where it is back to 10% or less. I don't get it. So, I've found a way that works. Newsletters. I've been bringing them back to my page with newsletters. Let me ...
An Alternative to Facebook – how to use Hometalk to bring them to your page.
Which are you more drawn to… A link or an image? I"m guessing that you are going to say Image… that is what I would say, anyways (I am a visual person). The reason is that the majority of people are visual, like myself. We like to see something and then when they have us interested, we want to see more. Here are my two favorite ideas to get you started. 1. Pinterest 2- Hometalk -I am going to share how to use HomeTalk (It is a DIY blog, ...
Oh, Facebook
Oh, Facebook. Have you noticed? Facebook is really changing things up again. It's driving me nuts both as a user and as a page owner. Last year, they made some changes, but as long as you were making an effort to be engaged with your fans, you could work around it. Now, it seems they are taking all of our fans away from us in huge chunks. Things my Facebook fans used to love for me to post, are now not even seen by 10% of them, certainly not ...