There is so much Blogging advice floating around the internet. From blogging pros who have been doing it since the beginning of the internet, to a mom at home who just opened up a blogspot site two weeks ago, it seems every one has some advice for fellow bloggers. So how do you decide which advice to implement and which to ignore? There are a lot of posts with gorgeous images and scientific looking info graphics that are circulating poor ...
blogging tips
How to Revamp Old Blog Posts
How to revamp old blog posts has become a must in my current blogging arsenal. I had good ideas back at the beginning of my blogging career, but I had no idea how to present them. Some of biggest traffic driving posts have come from posts that I have reworked. Today I want to give you the tools for breathing new life into old posts. When I started out in blogging I knew nothing. Nothing. I did not read any blogs. I was unaware of the number of ...
How to be a confident blogger without sound like a know-it-all
It's one obstacle that many bloggers face: How to blog confidently without coming off like a know-it-all. If you have friends and family members reading your blog this worry can really hold you back as a blogger, because none of us want to lose friends because of our blogs. There are several things you can do to blog with confidence while still remaining humble and relatable. Be Inclusive - This one is quite simple, but make room in your ...
How Do I Find Time to Write?
Finding time to write is a challenge for every writer. We are all given the same amount of time each day, so instead of fretting that some one else must have it easier than you, try to find ways to work with the time that you do have. We all are given the same amount of time in a day, and yet some people seem to get WAY more things done than others. I'm still striving to make better use of my time, but it is an area that I've made a lot of ...