Welcome to another wonderful blogger interview! I’m excited to introduce you to Melissa today!!!
My name is Melissa Cohen, and I blog at a couple of different sites. My website is www.melissaannecohen.com, and I usually try to put everything there. I also blog at Massmoms.com, InterfaithFamily.com, and Mothering.com. I’m a happily married SAHM with three children, Jessica is ten, Samuel is seven and Julianna is three. I also have two stepdaughters from my husband’s first marriage, Lilli is fourteen and Sarah is twelve. I blog about my life, and mostly that’s parenting. I also blog about religion, I converted to Judaism about five years ago, and still write about a lot of interfaith issues.
What is your Blogging Inspiration? I love to write, and I’ve done it for as long as I can remember. I write to understand what I’m doing, sometimes it’s only by writing about something that I can really process it. My blog started as a baby book, because I was terrible at filling them out, and I kept giving my kids my journals to color on and then losing them. Blogging was a way to keep it all together in one place! But there’s also a part of me that wants to communicate, I want my voice to be a part of the conversation. In person, I’m pretty introverted and shy, but I share all kinds of really personal things on-line, not because I just like people paying attention to me, but because there’s a part of me that needs to not only write, but also share it. I want my writing to be read. I find enormous comfort from reading, knowing that there are people going thru similar feelings and experiences. I like the thought of bringing that comfort to others.
Share a link to your favorite post you’ve ever written. Why is it your favorite? This is a really hard one!
I take it all back and Perplexed are my husband’s two favorites – actually, he really loves the “I take it all back” one, but it’s a companion to the other. But I think my favorite is whatever I’ve written last –My Introduction to Motherhood is a particular favorite, because it really represents my blog. It was a post I wrote for myself, because I was so very sad that morning, and writing it helped me to understand it and feel better – but I’ve been approached by so many people who read it and could relate to it.
I take it all back and Perplexed are my husband’s two favorites – actually, he really loves the “I take it all back” one, but it’s a companion to the other. But I think my favorite is whatever I’ve written last –My Introduction to Motherhood is a particular favorite, because it really represents my blog. It was a post I wrote for myself, because I was so very sad that morning, and writing it helped me to understand it and feel better – but I’ve been approached by so many people who read it and could relate to it.
You mean I am not the only mother to fail at baby books? 😉 Heh!