You’ve probably noticed, that we interview and feature a new blogger every friday! If you’d ever like to be interviewed and featured email us and and we can chat!
Hello my name is Keri and I blog at Living In This Season. I have 3 sweet children and am married to an amazing man. We have a crazy life with our little ones, but I would never change a thing! Being a mom, I have seen first hand how exhausting this job can be, my hope is my blog can give inspiration, hope, encouragement, and sometimes just a smile to other women.
– How do I balance family time and blogging time? Balance can be so hard to find and keep. The main thing that helps me is to remember the order of my priorities: God, Husband, Kids, then everything else. It can be easy to let any of these get shifted into the backseat. As I strive to keep these priorities, the balance is created. I usually work on posts during naptime or in the evenings once the kids are in bed. My husband is a teacher so when he has school items to work on, this is the perfect time for me to be blogging. I have had days where I put blogging before other things and it has created pure insanity- things were not as they should be. Just remember what is truly important- a blog or your relationships? Never let a blog come first.
– Blogging Schedule? Yes, I do have a blogging schedule. I did not always have this though. When I started blogging, it was more random. Now, I have more of a vision and go in mind and have found that in order to have posts more than once a month, I needed to create a schedule. Life gets busy and it is easier to keep up when I know what to plan for. This way, I have been able to write some posts ahead and prep more.
– Advice: I know it can seem overwhelming and make you seem very vulnerable beginning a blog. Or at least for my introverted self it was. I just want to encourage others that if you are interested in starting a blog- go for it! You never know who you may inspire or encourage along the way. Don’t let fear or intimidation of it all keep you from pursuing blogging- just start researching and take the steps to get started. I would love to encourage any new bloggers and love meeting all bloggers so please connect with me and share your blog!
Great interview, I enjoyed reading it. Rachel xo