Since I published my last income report several months ago, several of you have been asking me to keep them going. Honestly, it wasn’t intentional that I stopped. I just forgot to keep doing them! Since many of you specifically asked, I’m happy to share again.
So let’s compare a bit. You’ll see a massive difference between mine and Becky’s income reports. This is a great example of setting your own goals and reaching them. Becky’s blog, Your Modern Family is much larger and generates more monthly income than my personal blog Beauty Through Imperfection. There are several reasons for this, and I’m not at all trying to detract from the awesomeness of Becky, but it can be easy to look at her reports and feel like that is SO far out of reach. Something we’d all love to achieve but it just seems like a distant dream. (Though we started this site to help you reach that dream if it is your goal!).
While Your Modern Family and Beauty Through Imperfection are very similar in theme, they do have one huge difference. Becky works full time on YMF while I only work part time on BTI. I’m a full-time blogger, but I divide my time between multiple sites. I work for two other sites, and I currently own or co-own 3 more (working on a 4th). I’ve divided my time, and therefore divided my income as well. The income you see coming in here is directly and exclusively from BTI. I think this is a helpful example of what you can do, even if you only have one site, but are only able to dedicate “part time” hours to it. Be it because you have kids, another job outside the home or any other reasons that would keep you from working on your one blog full time.
All that to say, I will try to be more diligent about my BTI income reports. We want to help cover the whole spectrum of different types of blogs here, to help you grow, set realistic goals and achieve them!
I ended March with over 260,000 pageviews on Beauty Through Imperfection
Income breakdown was as follows
Sponsored posts = $1,250
$450 – Local/Direct Sponsored Posts
$800 – Izea Sponsored Posts
Ads = $842
Affiliate Marketing = $190
My Ebooks/Print books = $304
Social Media = $60
Izea – $10
Moms Affiliate – $50
Total income for the month on BTI = $2,646
I continue to be amazed at what can be done blogging! I will try to make a better estimate this month of how many hours per week I spend working on BTI so you can see the comparison of the type of “part time” work we’re talking about!
What are your biggest blogging questions right now? What income hurdles are you facing?
If you’d like more tips, we invite you to grab our book! We talk a lot about monetization in it and how to get your blog where you want it to be earning the income you want or need!
Keri says
Thanks for sharing! It is really motivational. My biggest hurdle right now is page views. They’ve been going up steadily, but I can’t seem to get over the 5-digit hump and stay there.
Ashlyn says
Thank you for sharing your income report with us! I always find these helpful. It gives me hope that I can still move forward and be successful.
I guess my biggest hurdle is gaining leads. I have approximately 250-300 page views per day, but I’m lucky if I even get one new subscriber. I’m using post-specific leads that relate to the particular topic I wrote about, but not seeing many results as I expected. Kinda discouraging, but I guess that means I’ll need to camp up my lead magnet.
Thanks again!
Luisa says
Thanks for sharing! I will look into sponsors posts! Thanks again.
Mandi Bowerman says
Getting sponsored posts is hard but I am determined to keep trying.