Dear Blogging friends,
I have a secret that I want to share with you all today. It’s not private, it’s just doesn’t get discussed as much as I feel like it should. So I want you to hear me when I say this to you:
You can do this.
Your blogging goals? You can crush them. You can probably reach much farther than you are expecting. It doesn’t take luck, or being in the right place or even knowing the right people. All of those things can help you get where you want to go faster, but they aren’t essential to success. Do you want to know what is essential to your success as a blogger?
You are.
You are essential to your own blogging success.
Working hard, making strategic changes, working hard.
That is what will get you to the top.
When I first decided to make money with my blog I got an offer to do a post for $100. I TURNED IT DOWN because I thought it had to be a glitch. No one would pay me to write for them for that much money. I applied for a $30 post instead and was thrilled to make that much money on my blog.
A few months later a company approached me and asked me to do a post for them for $200. Again, I thought this had to be a spam email but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to write the post anyway, so I did. And I got a check in the mail for two hundred dollars. Still not believing that this could be the norm.
No one had told me that bloggers can do awesome things.
So I want to be the one to let you know. You can do this. You can make a living on your blog. You can be the one accepting those $200 posts and maybe one day turning them down because you won’t write for that little anymore.
My first year of business blogging my “big, scary goal” (that I wasn’t sure I could even reach) was to make $1,000 in one year. By the end of that year I was earning $1,000 a month and still barely believing that it was possible.
But it is possible, and it can happen to you too.
Don’t be afraid to keep growing.
Watch bigger bloggers and figure out where you need to improve.
Recognize that you have something to offer the world through your blog and let your voice be heard.
You can totally, 100% do this.
Your post is so inspiring, Paula! I’ve been reading your tips and tricks for months and I’ve decided to start a lifestyle blog, so I’m taking all of your posts into account to make a good start!
Do you think brands are keen on working with UK bloggers?
yay! That’s awesome! There are some brands that work with UK bloggers, I’m actually on a quest to get a post about that specifically…coming soon!
Thank you, Paula, for your inspiration and kind heart.
This is such great timing. I truly needed to read this bit of inspiration this morning. Thank you!
Great inspirational post 🙂 Sometimes we just need a pep talk.
indeed! 🙂 glad you enjoyed it!
To think I got so excited when I earned $3. It’s nice to know there is a possibility to make money blogging, but sometimes I wonder where to go to find the opportunities. Maybe it’s the niche I’ve chosen and love that don’t offer that many money making opportunities (although I do get free products) but I wouldn’t change my niche for all the money in the world.
If you are in a unique niche, maybe try to find products or books that are also in your niche and be an affiliate for those products! 🙂
I have been giving myself this exact same pep talk this week! I’ve been very scared to step out, monetize my blog, or apply for anything. I finally realized it was fear and decided yesterday to change the truth I was telling myself. I can do it! Thank you for this post!
yay! You can do it!!!
Thanks for taking the time to write and empower fellow bloggers. I’m so new to this, I’ve been following other people’s blogs for years, but 4 months ago I decided to give it a try. I had no idea what I was stepping into. I feel so lost at times, this is a whole other world. I have a love and passion for fashion and style, and feel that I can inspire other women to look their best. You mentioned in your statement above that you make money writing your post, can you elaborate on that. How to you approach company, or how do you apply. Can you give some pointers. Anything you can share would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Beverly!
It can definitely seem overwhelming at first! We have done several series-type posts about how to monetize, hopefully some of these will help! 🙂
I know social fabric does a fair bit of fashion related sponsorship though, so that would be one place to start and becomming an affiliate for clothing brands you love!
This is great motivation, Paula!! Thank you for this!
so glad you enjoyed it!
I really needed the boost today! Thank you for this great post!
🙂 anytime!