Have you ever wondered how much other bloggers are earning?
Well, today is your lucky day!
Awhile back I created an anonymous survey asking bloggers to share some information about how much money they are making monthly, how much time they spend on their blog and more! The responses that I got were really helpful! It’s always nice to hear how other people are doing it, and how much time an effort they are putting in. I even left space for bloggers to share some tips, and many did so!
Words of wisdom such as:
You can’t start out wanting it to be a part-time job. If you expect a monthly paycheck, you will just get frustrated and quit. Choose a topic you love to write about, and the followers and money will eventually come.
Focus on affiliate offers rather than on Adsense and Amazon. Targeted traffic and content tailored to the needs of your website visitors are the most important part.
Advertise on different social media sites. Don’t be afraid to advertise yourself and others will see what they like of yours and share it, as well. Take a sponsored post & make it work for your blog. Be grateful & remember that this is a blessing.
The bloggers also shared how they were making their money. I found it really interesting to see all the many ways that you can earn as a blogger!
This week, I realized that I hadn’t yet shared the findings of this survey with you, and so I decided to fix that!
You can see the first round of answers here: How much money do bloggers REALLY make? This post covers bloggers who have been making money anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 years (They may have been blogging for longer, this is just how long they have been earning any type of income). Their income ranges between $3 and $650 a month, depending on the blogger!
Round two, I received answers from several bigger bloggers who are bringing in over $2,000 every month! You can read their responses and hear how they are doing it here: Do bloggers earn money?
I hope that these posts are helpful and encouraging to you! It’s always neat to see how other bloggers are doing it, but the anonymous form takes out the awkwardness of asking specifically for private information from another blogger.
If you are earning money on your blog I’d LOVE for you to fill out the form, and I’ll include your anonymous answers in the next round! Thanks in advance!
If you are hoping to start earning more money on your blog, but just aren’t sure where to start, check out this post. If you’d like some personalized help, consider letting us boost your blog!
It’s always nice to have a sense of what other bloggers are earning. I appreciate them sharing and you for providing this information. Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to put this info together and for sharing it with us! It’s inspiring and daunting, all at the same time. 🙂
Great post and survey. FYI, this is going to be my top suggested site when I teach a blogging class next month. 🙂