My name is Kimm and I blog at Reinvented, about home décor for real people, with real budgets.
I describe myself on social media as a home décor/DIY blogger, restless interior designer and lover of all thing junky. I am a Wife, Mom of 4 and Jesus Follower.
How do you find balance between family and blogging?
I decided to answer this question because I think it’s so difficult an idea. To balance family, faith and blogging, I try to filter each idea/opportunity/project through my priority filter. This filter puts my faith first, my family second and my blog/work third. I don’t take on projects or pursue opportunities that will change those priorities, or re-order the list. My kids are young adults and teens, so although they don’t need as much “hands on” time from me, they need my continued interest in their lives and choices, as well as my undivided attention at the drop of the proverbial hat. I don’t want to ever do anything that would make me unavailable to them. And my husband can be kind of “needy.”
My blogging inspiration is my home. My home is my passion, and definitely where my heart is. I love to decorate using found items, vintage beauties and flea market bargains, and make a home that reflects our family’s personality on a budget that doesn’t break the bank. A surprise to me has been how much I enjoy writing and sharing my ideas and projects. I really love the construction of a blog post, arranging words and pictures into an enjoyable piece that catches both the eye and the ear.
My blogging goals include growing my readership, creating an income from my blog that will help me better serve God and my family, and building a connected community. To achieve my goals my first objective is to create consistent and quality content. I spend a lot of time brainstorming new projects, seeking inspiration, and planning posts. I believe that with great content, I will be able to create income and to achieve that goal I am spending time learning how to use ads and how to optimize them. My third goal of creating a close knit and connected community is actually proving to be the most challenging. I believe that great content helps to establish a blogger as an expert in her niche, as well as a resource of which to ask questions, and get advice,thus encouraging interaction between blogger and audience. Connecting via social media is fun too, and the avenue that so many are pursuing, allowing quick snippets of life to be shared. I try to keep my eyes on the big picture and work each day on each goal. Baby steps!
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