Hi, I’m Heather, the girl behind PrettyHealthyMostoftheTime.com. I’m wife to a wonderful husband and dog mom to 2 awesome golden retrievers. I’m very passionate about a lot of things. I love math, reading, writing, traveling, cooking, and I’m extra passionate about health and fitness. A couple of years ago, I decided to get certified as a personal trainer. I’m a high school math teacher and I absolutely love my job. I love it so much, in fact, that I decided I would not do personal training as a career. I started my blog as a way to share some of my knowledge about health and fitness as well as purge some of the thoughts from my over-active brain!
How do you balance blogging time & Family Time?
I have had to ignore one of the most important pieces of advice for growing a blog – utilizing social media. I only work on my blog from my desktop computer. I know myself well enough to know that social media will take up too much of my time. If I have ice cream in my house, it will get eaten. If I start new twitter/facebook/instagram accounts, I will be on them (via my cell phone) all the time. Maybe one day I will spend less time blogging and have more time for social media. As a new blogger, however, I find myself spending a lot of time on things that may one day be simple. Google has become my best friend. There are just so many acronyms to learn! (or shall I say SMATL).
Disclaimer: I feel the need to mention that I do utilize Pinterest. When I get on Pinterest, the whole family wins. Homemade dog treats anyone?
Do you have a blogging schedule? or just write as you feel inspired? Share what works for you and why!
I can get a little overwhelmed without some type of schedule. I usually start most of my posts on the weekend, and then finish them up on the weekdays. Here is the current schedule I’ve been using:
Monday- Weekly Menu Planning
Tuesday- Recipe or Workout
Wednesday- “What I Ate Wednesday”
Thursday– Free Day or “Thinking Out Loud” These are always fun to write!
Friday– Recipe or Workout
Share a link to your favorite post you’ve ever written. Why is it your favorite?
This is tough, but I would say my favorite post would have to be something from my workouts page . I actually do every workout I post, so you can literally say I put my blood, sweat, and tears into those posts (or maybe just the sweat … and occasionally the tears)
Thank you so much for featuring me! I love this blog so I feel a bit famous right now 🙂