Hi! I’m Davonne! My husband, Nathan, and I strive to center our home around Christ and we have two sweet daughters, Lily (9) and Grace (5). I believe that some of life’s richest moments happen when we embrace the beauty of imperfection as we extend grace to ourselves and others. I’ve written three non-fiction eBooks, one of which is brand new! Plus I write about organization, simplicity, and heart-filled motherhood at DavonneParks.com, I just released a Get Organized challenge on my blog, and I have a contributor position with two different homeschool websites as well.
How do you balance blogging time & Family Time? & how do you find time to blog?
I usually blog for an hour to an hour and a half before my kids wake up, then we do chores and school until lunchtime. After that I blog for another 60-90 minutes while they have quiet time and finish up any necessary homework. I also work for 1 to 2 hours a couple of times a week after my kids are in bed for the evening. And when I’m working on a larger project, my husband is really great about letting me get away to a local coffee shop one evening a week so I can have several solid hours to work.
I do my best to balance family time with blogging by trying to really be with my family when I’m not working! Of course, I don’t always do that perfectly, but my children have my permission to gently remind me when I’m focusing on my phone instead of them. I also usually take at least one full day off per week. My day off is rarely the same from week-to-week but having that time to unplug is very refreshing.
Share a link to your favorite post you’ve ever written. Why is it your favorite?
I love my article about why I unfriended everyone on Facebook. It’s my favorite because it was so real and so raw to write; because it sums up how I feel about life, parenthood, and social media; and because it seemed to resonate with many other people in a deep way.
Do you have any pieces of advice for other bloggers?
Family should always trump blogging! Sacrifice other things to blog – like watching TV, playing games or texting on your smartphone, going to the movies, browsing Facebook, sleeping in, or even redecorating your house – but don’t sacrifice your family! Also, keep your phone on silent and put it away when you don’t need to use it.
Great post! I have to say you do an excellent job of practicing what you preach 🙂
Thank you, Misty!
Thanks so much for including me in your blogger interviews!