How to be a successful blogger without spending all day on the computer. I admit, it’s hard! There is always room for growth and improvement, in every area of life and in every area of blogging! It is good to set goals and be actively growing your blog, but it is all to easy to let blogging take over and become the number one priority in life. Here are a few tips that I’ve learned that help me keep my blogging on the side 😉
- Set Boundaries – I’ve actually found that I am most productive when I schedule time away from the computer every day. When I know that I can only spend a certain number of hours online it keeps me focused on what I need to be working on, instead of checking Facebook or getting lost on Pinterest.
- Realize That You Aren’t That Important – For a long time I would feel guilty if I didn’t post every day, or whenever I wasn’t active with my fans on Facebook every hour. But one day it hit me. I’m not that important. My fans/followers and friends will all survive without hearing from me, and that’s a good thing! I love being able to interact with the friends I’ve made in the blogging world, I love being able to use my writing to encourage people. I truly enjoy these things from the bottom of my heart, but when I can’t do, that’s okay too. I’m pretty sure none of my fans are going to cry themselves to sleep because I forgot to post or didn’t share a funny facebook photo. They will be fine. And if they are not, I’m doing it wrong 😉 The interaction is fantastic for all of us, but it shouldn’t be essential to our well being, or the well beings of our followers. We aren’t that important, and that’s a good thing.
- Set Goals – Setting goals for yourself can oftentimes be a great tool for spending less time online, simply because it makes you focus your efforts on your goals, instead of just being all over the place with various projects and posts. Figure out where you want your blog to go, and then set realistic goals for yourself to get it there! But keep in mind that it is okay that your blog isn’t there yet, just keep working at it!
- Have Fun! – It’s never fun to run yourself ragged beating away at the computer all the time. Take time off to enjoy your day. Play with your kids, read a book, spend some time praying or go on a walk. All of those things can help you get your mind off your blog and prepare you for another great day of blogging & writing when the time is right! Remember that this should be fun, even if it is generating income for your family, don’t let yourself get burnt out!
What is your best tip for successful blogging with obsessing?
I don’t know that I have a good tip because I also obsess over blogging all day but I realize that while the kids are in school I need to take advantage of that time the most and be sure not to be too plugged in when they get home. Things come up that I have to address at times but I never schedule out a new post in the evening when I should be doing homework/dinner/sports.
#3 is a constant battle for me. I’ve realized blogging is a neverending to do list. There’s always another post to write, picture to edit, comment to make, or party to link up to, and it can be kind of overwhelming. I try to work around my family’s schedule because I don’t want the only memory my kids have to be of mommy on her computer, and I’m working on scheduling as much as possible (specifically posts and fb statuses) so I can use my time more efficiently.
These are great tips for new bloggers, like me! I started blogging in June and I think I set unrealistic expectations for myself. We tend to compare ourselves to other bloggers, many of whom have been at it for YEARS and have assistants helping them with everything. I realized about two months in that I needed to set more realistic goals and it’s OK if it takes a while to reach them. It’s also OK to take a week off from time to time to regroup!
I always feel like I am all over the place with posts, projects, and the goal for my blog. It is very frustrating…and then I wonder what I am even doing here at all!!!
Pretty much everything I had to tell myself to do 😉 Funny is…I blog better now! And I have more fun with my kids. Great advice!
And PS: I know it is dorky, but a binder just for blogging is everything to me. Having a real-time, on paper, binder has made a huge difference. Sitsgirls was where I got that idea. It has kept me on track wonderfully.
I really enjoy scheduling posts once or twice a week to post all day long – it helps me to engage with my readers without having to be online all day. So I have a secret “share” board on Pinterest, and I’m always pinning things on there to schedule to share with my readers on social media and then twice a week I’ll go and schedule those posts and other questions. I think the more we get offline, the more we’ll have to say online! If our life is our blog, it will get boring real quick! 🙂
By the way – this post will go in my share board! 😉
Nicole @ WKH
I agree that first of all blogging should be for fun. Thanks for sharing this at CAL link party 🙂
Thank you for sharing. This is a great reminder, especially since I am just starting my site. Thank you so much. God bless.
Love your tips! I do a lot of goal setting because it helps me to feel less overwhelmed.
I too think of blogging all day and then how to balance my family. My family does win out and I spend very little time on my blog, but I think about it a lot. I like your tip about taking a walk. I think its maybe just pick a few things or platforms and perfect those. I like to think about all platforms and all ways to blog and what sites to be on.
Agree with all of these points. In fact, I skipped blogging today to clean bathrooms and get my house in order so I could play with my son after nap. Blogs are great, but families are better.
Great post !! Really need this. I have been guilty spending more time online than spending time with my husband.
I 100% agree with you Miss Paula. This Fall I started back to work for the first time since I had my two boys. I didn’t want to give up my blog but I was sure struggling finding the time to get everything I wanted to done. I was squeezing it in at every possible moment at the sacrifice of my kids. And guess what, I wasn’t that productive. When I told myself no blogging before school/work, I was still able to get the same amount done but I was spending essential time with my boys before they started their school day. I have a lot of scheduling to still figure out, but at least I know I’m not sacrificing my kids any more.
Great advice! Especially the part about not being on the forefront of everyone’s mind. I realized one day that most people who follow me follow a zillion other bloggers…they don’t think about if I didn’t post for a few days! Thanks for linking your tips up at Monday Funday!
#2 does not apply to professionals. No, we shouldn’t spend all day on the computer either. If you don’t post and interact on Facebook, Facebook removes you from the feeds of your followers. So that must be a constant. That’s why we have Buffer and DoShare. We are not that important..but our fans are.
These are great points. I love the idea of using a blogging binder; I’m at least going to use an editorial calendar to keep myself on track and make better goals. The fact that I work full time away from home keeps me off the computer all the time. 🙂
Thanks for your great and sooooooooo true article. Especially at the beginning of starting a new blog you constantly check out all your Social Media, your Website,…
But the real life takes place outside of the computer. 😀
Looking forward to learning from you.