Ok, so a LOT of you ask me this question: How did you get a post to go viral? I have been grateful each time that I write on a viral topic and it takes off. It really boils down to just 3 things: 1. A good title. A simple title. A FUN title that engages them. Let's look at a few examples: Say we are talking about a parenting lesson about kids leaving toys out. The post is about how they leave their toys out, so you have decided to keep ...
Archives for May 2016
Tips For Blogging While Traveling
Tips for blogging while traveling. Are you headed on vacation this year or off to visit family? We've compiled a list of tips for blogging while traveling to help keep you safe, your content fresh and your readers engaged, even while you are gone! {this post has affiliate links} I'm personally just coming back from a week-long trip to San Antonio, with my kids, my aunt and uncle and my grandmother! This was by far the easiest trip blog-wise ...
Where to find Sponsored Posts {Master List}
Many of you have asked where you can find sponsored post opportunities. We've compiled a master list, sharing the places we know offer great opps for bloggers of various sizes. Some of these are referral links. Our strategy is to be a member of many sponsored post sites such as these. You won't get something from each of these sites every month. Either for lack of offers or simply not being offered posts that fit your niche. This makes ...
How to be a Part Time Blogger with a Full Time Income
Do you ever find yourself looking at all of the great blogger income reports and seeing the success other bloggers are having, but frustrated that you don't seem to have the time to make it happen for you? We get that! Maybe you have a job outside the home. Perhaps you're homeschooling and can't carve out as much blog time as you'd like or have young kids keeping your hands full. Maybe you have other commitments that keep you from giving your ...
5 things you MUST DO when using the photo editor picmonkey
Some of us (myself included) do not have photoshop. I rely heavily on Pic Monkey. I will never put a photo onto my blog without editing it. Here are the 5 steps that I take every single time… 1- Adjust the exposure to make it brighter (brighter pictures look better on Pinterest & other social media). You can do this automatically. (see picture below). 2- Adjust the clarity & sharpness. This makes a WORLD of ...