This post, as with any on Blogging on the Side, may contain affiliate links to products & companies that we love! My friend Keri asked me recently how to put an image on a large white space. I have to do this a lot because my featured image size is a perfect square. Start with PicMonkey. I use PicMonkey for every post, on Blogging on the Side & Your Modern Family. I just take an old picture & resize it to the size that I want, ...
Archives for August 2014
Blogger interview Rena
My name is Rena McDaniel and I write for two different blogs. The Diary of an Alzheimer's Caregiver covers my world as my mom's 24/7 caregiver and how this affects our whole family. Million Mile Blog is a vacation planning business that also offers reviews and tips for traveling. I am a ALZ caregiver, RA patient, Writer, avid traveler, Wife, Empty-Nester mom of two, and Grandmother. DO YOU HAVE A BLOGGING SCHEDULE? OR JUST FEEL ...
The secret we’ve been keeping… How to grow your blog (tips & tricks from 30+ bloggers)
This post, How to grow your blog, contains affiliate links. (We only share what we believe in!) We've been keeping a secret… Paula and I have been working together, with other bloggers, to bring you something amazing… Paula and I are having so much fun working together (in our long distance blogging relationship!) We recently teamed up with another blogger, Shauna, to help her write an awesome e-book (can I say that its awesome, even though ...
Blog Elevated – Blogging Conference
Have you ever been to a blogging conference? I went to my very first conference last year and it was amazing. I attended Blog Elevated in Houston and I'll be going again this year! I thought that many of you might be interested in joining me there, so I wanted to share a bit about the conference with you! The buy-a-ticket images take you to purchase yours via our affiliate codes. Thanks for the support! This is a learning conference. As in, ...
Blogger Interview Ali
Hi! My name is Ali Gilbert and I am the author of Mom Explores Virginia Beach. I am married with one daughter and one dog. I have lived in the Virginia Beach area for 7 years and love exploring all the fun things it has to offer families. How do you balance blogging time & Family Time? It can be very difficult balancing blogging and family time but there are a few things that I do that help me focus and get things done. First, I map out ...
My challenge to you …
I used to be a "night before" blogger, and sometimes I still am. I would stay up late and write my post to go live at midnight. I want to tell you how freeing it is to just write the posts when you have a lot of time and schedule them for a full month! Today I challenge you to write in advance. Here are some tips: 1- LESS STRESS! It is so much less stressful to do this! I started by taking a full Saturday (well, about five hours) and ...
Blogger Interview – Lainie
Hi! I'm Lainie and I blog about my beautiful family (husband Scott, son Ian who I can't believe is starting kindergarten this fall and our 1 year old daughter Greenlee) and our must-haves including products, food, books and travel. My lil fashionista even has her own column, "What Will Greenlee Wear.". We live in New York City where we sacrifice space, but not style, to be in the center of it all. How do you find time to blog? I am constantly ...
How & Why to Make a Series on Your blog
We bloggers often get very focused on our individual posts - making sure they have catchy titles, Pinteresty graphics, and SEO optimization. We hope that they go viral or at least get pinned or shared a lot. But another subtle yet very effective way to increase your stats and grow your readership is to entice people to get lost within your blog itself. Linking to other posts within posts is SO effective, and writing a blog series on a certain ...
Do Christian Bloggers have to be Faith Bloggers?
Years ago, I used to be more of a faith blogger. I've since moved away from faith blogging in the traditional sense. It was a hard decision to make, but when I decided to make a business out of my blog, I also chose to broaden the types of posts I wrote. I realized a few things that helped me make the decision. I love faith bloggers, they are wonderful and encouraging to read, I just realized it was not the right choice for me and my blog. If ...
Blogger Interview – Georgia
Hi! My name is Georgia and I blog at Oatmeal Smiles. I have a farmer for a husband who always has muddy boots, a wicked tan and a loving heart. We have two little girls who keep us on our toes. I blog from the flat and dusty plains of west Texas. I used to be an English teacher and am now a stay at home mom trying to figure this whole "homemaker" thing out. I blog about seeking grace in motherhood and shortcuts in the kitchen, particularly in ...